Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Micro SNGs 22/10/07

Opening Balance: $438.09
Closing Balance: $438.69

Played an 18-man $1+.20 SNG. Early double up with an aggressive set, but donked most of it off against short stacks (well, one was AK into AA, which was boring and standard, but the other I shoved over a minbet with KJo and ran into AK). Disappointed with my 11th place finish, as I should've made top six at least. Oh well.

Then played a $2+.20 HU SNG. Only ten hands, here they are.


Poker Stars, $2 + $0.20 NL Hold'em Tournament, 10/20 Blinds, 2 Players

SB: 1,500
Hero (BB): 1,500

Pre-Flop: (30) Ks 8c dealt to Hero (BB)
SB calls 10, Hero raises to 60 Standard for me HU, SB calls 40

Flop: (120) Js 9h 7c (2 Players)
Hero bets 80 Standard c-bet, SB raises to 200, Hero calls 120 Gutshot and possibly blocking a resteal. This second part might be too fancy for this level

Turn: (520) 7h (2 Players)
Hero checks, SB checks

River: (520) 4h (2 Players)
Hero bets 380 No other way to win, SB raises to 800, Hero folds

Results: 1,280 Pot
SB mucked and WON 1,280 (+640 NET)


Poker Stars, $2 + $0.20 NL Hold'em Tournament, 10/20 Blinds, 2 Players

BB: 2,140
Hero (SB): 860

Pre-Flop: (30) Jc Jh dealt to Hero (SB)
Hero raises to 60, BB calls 40 He's calling with a lot

Flop: (120) 2h 3h 9c (2 Players)
BB checks, Hero bets 60 I could check behind to induce a bluff on the turn but I'd rather build the pot then maybe get him to bluff the river for more $s, BB folds

Results: 120 Pot
Hero mucked Jc Jh and WON 120 (+60 NET)


Poker Stars, $2 + $0.20 NL Hold'em Tournament, 10/20 Blinds, 2 Players

SB: 2,080
Hero (BB): 920

Pre-Flop: (30) 3d 7d dealt to Hero (BB)
SB calls 10, Hero checks He's a preflop calling station, which isn't terrible HU but it makes it pointless for me to bet non-premium hands

Flop: (40) 3h 6h 5d (2 Players)
Hero bets 60, SB calls 60

Turn: (160) 3s (2 Players)
Hero bets 100, SB calls 100 He's being very passive here. Makes me think he has a draw here

River: (360) As (2 Players)
Hero bets 220 Maybe too much, but I hope he has A4 or Axh, SB folds

Results: 360 Pot
Hero mucked 3d 7d and WON 360 (+180 NET)


Poker Stars, $2 + $0.20 NL Hold'em Tournament, 10/20 Blinds, 2 Players

BB: 1,900
Hero (SB): 1,100

Pre-Flop: (30) Kd As dealt to Hero (SB)
Hero raises to 60, BB raises to 100, Hero raises to 1,100 and is All-In Standard. AK is the nuts, BB calls 1,000

Flop: (2,200) Kc Ks 7c (2 Players - 1 is All-In)

Turn: (2,200) 7d (2 Players - 1 is All-In)

River: (2,200) 3h (2 Players - 1 is All-In)

Results: 2,200 Pot
BB showed Ah Qh (two pair, Kings and Sevens) and LOST (-1,100 NET)
Hero showed Kd As (a full house, Kings full of Sevens) and WON 2,200 (+1,100 NET)


Poker Stars, $2 + $0.20 NL Hold'em Tournament, 10/20 Blinds, 2 Players

SB: 800
Hero (BB): 2,200

Pre-Flop: (30) 9d Jc dealt to Hero (BB)
SB calls 10, Hero checks

Flop: (40) Ad Ks 4s (2 Players)
Hero checks I missed, it's dangerous and he probably calls with any K, maybe with any two broadway. Preflop tells me nothing so I've given up here, SB checks

Turn: (40) 8c (2 Players)
Hero checks, SB bets 20, Hero folds

Results: 40 Pot
SB mucked and WON 40 (+20 NET)


Poker Stars, $2 + $0.20 NL Hold'em Tournament, 10/20 Blinds, 2 Players

BB: 820
Hero (SB): 2,180

Pre-Flop: (30) 4d 8h dealt to Hero (SB)
Hero raises to 60, BB calls 40 No, he's still a calling station

Flop: (120) 4s 7s Qs (2 Players)
BB bets 20, Hero calls 20 Very small bet. Clumsy value or cheapskate bluff? I am ahead of A high.

Turn: (160) 6d (2 Players)
BB bets 20, Hero calls 20

River: (200) Ah (2 Players)
BB bets 20, Hero calls 20 Too small to let go

Results: 240 Pot
BB showed Ks 5h (high card Ace) and LOST (-120 NET)
Hero showed 4d 8h (a pair of Fours) and WON 240 (+120 NET)


Poker Stars, $2 + $0.20 NL Hold'em Tournament, 10/20 Blinds, 2 Players

SB: 700
Hero (BB): 2,300

Pre-Flop: (30) 5s Ad dealt to Hero (BB)
SB calls 10, Hero checks A5 isn't that strong and i know he'll call if I bet. Maybe a good spot to get more chips in while ahead of his range, but I'll probably miss the flop and the bet here makes additional streets proportionally more expensive.

Flop: (40) 9d Kd 2s (2 Players)
Hero bets 40 Maybe shouldn't bet this against a station but he'll call with some missed hands, SB calls 40

Turn: (120) Ts (2 Players)
Hero checks Giving up on the c-betting, SB checks

River: (120) 5h (2 Players)
Hero checks, SB bets 60, Hero calls 60 5 isn't strong enough for me to want to push here. With the stack sizes I want to get it shut down ASAP rather than letting him get more chips on a silly raise with 4th pair

Results: 240 Pot
SB showed 7d 9c (a pair of Nines) and WON 240 (+120 NET)
Hero mucked 5s Ad and LOST (-120 NET)


Poker Stars, $2 + $0.20 NL Hold'em Tournament, 10/20 Blinds, 2 Players

BB: 820
Hero (SB): 2,180

Pre-Flop: (30) 6c 5h dealt to Hero (SB)
Hero raises to 50 Slightly cheaper attempt at a preflop steal. Still not a great idea, BB calls 30

Flop: (100) Jh Tc Jc (2 Players)
BB bets 20, Hero folds Completely missed and I probably can't hammer him out for a reasonable price

Results: 100 Pot
BB mucked and WON 100 (+50 NET)


Poker Stars, $2 + $0.20 NL Hold'em Tournament, 10/20 Blinds, 2 Players

SB: 870
Hero (BB): 2,130

Pre-Flop: (30) Kc 2d dealt to Hero (BB)
SB calls 10, Hero checks

Flop: (40) Tc 8c 5h (2 Players)
Hero checks, SB checks

Turn: (40) 7s (2 Players)
Hero bets 40 I know he's unlikely to fold, but I don't want to never bet in case he catches on when I make something, SB calls 40

River: (120) 4c (2 Players)
Hero checks, SB bets 20, Hero folds Can't see what I beat

Results: 120 Pot
SB mucked and WON 120 (+60 NET)

HAND #10

Poker Stars, $2 + $0.20 NL Hold'em Tournament, 10/20 Blinds, 2 Players

BB: 930
Hero (SB): 2,070

Pre-Flop: (30) Ks Ac dealt to Hero (SB)
Hero raises to 80 Way ahead here almost always, time to get money in, BB raises to 200 Golden opportunity for me as his range clearly offers me good odds Hero raises to 2,070 and is All-In, BB calls 730 and is All-In

Flop: (1,860) Kh 2s Ad (2 Players - 1 is All-In)

Turn: (1,860) Td (2 Players - 1 is All-In)

River: (1,860) 6h (2 Players - 1 is All-In)

Results: 1,860 Pot
BB showed Jd Js (a pair of Jacks) and LOST (-930 NET)
Hero showed Ks Ac (two pair, Aces and Kings) and WON 1,860 (+930 NET)
And that's done

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