Sunday, October 14, 2007

.05/.10 NLH LH 14/10/07

Opening Balance: $269.12
No. of Tables: 3
No. Of Hands: 271
Closing Balance: $289.67 (+$20.50)

Running Totals: +1738ptbb/7017

Got very lucky in one hand (65 vs AA, flopped trip 5s and stacked the villain) but aside from that I didn't do anything special. PT shows a much lower VPIP than usual (about 27% compared with 40%) and I think that's a fair reflection of what I thought was going on. I'm very happy with the session overall (although the guy whose aces got cracked proceeded to follow me around and berate me in the chatbox on my other two tables... oh well, gave me the opportunity to take some more of his money.)

I'm also due to play in the 40K WBCOOP in a few hours, but if it gets an enormous number of runners I might not bother (only 81 get prizes, so if there are ~4000 entrants I'm not sure I care enough to play)

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