Wednesday, October 10, 2007

.01/.02 SH PLO 10/10/07

Opening Balance: $287.00

Buy-In: $2 (1 table)
No. of Hands: 79
Left With: $7.03

Closing Balance: $292.03

Running Totals: +351ptbb/79

Sort of bored, so figured I'd have some fun with microstakes PLO. I used to play a bit of Omaha, although I haven't played it for a while. I know I'm buying in short (max is $5) but I figure the downside isn't as big as in a no-limit game since I have much less chance to stack someone.

I'm trying to play tight, although it's sort of difficult to tell what hands have good multiway potential (aside from obvious stuff like AAJTds). It's also damn near impossible to tell what anyone has (partly because I'm bad at Omaha, partly because they're bad at Omaha, and partly because I keep running down the clock working out what I have). Great fun though

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