Friday, November 16, 2007

.10/.25 PLO SH 15/11/07

Opening Balance: $1 294.69
No. of Tables: 2
No. of Hands: 90
Closing Balance: $1 290.44 (-$4.25)

Running Totals: +$123.25/643

Did not play well at the start. Table selection was poor, so I had to deal with a couple of aggressive players who were potting it light (sounds good, but I get too nervous in PLO to gamble that much). My best defence against them was reraising or checkraising with otherwise modest hands.

I played better in the second half of the session, earning back almost all of the two buy-ins I lost. This was when I started playing back at the maniacs but not at the TAGs when I had nothing.

UPDATE: Won $4 at 50PL 5CD. Balance now at: $1 294.44

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