Thursday, May 10, 2007

.25/.50 NLH SH 9/5/07

Opening balance: $308.53

Buy in : $40.00
No. of hands : 141
Left with : $75.41

Closing balance : $343.94

Running total: -$56.25/358

Tried another session for tonight. Still can't get action with good hands, although I did manage to give out a little less. A real grinders session, this one, with the occassional big swing hand to keep it interesting.

Was over $120 at one point, but lost with top two pair against the clown who called pot-size bets with the loser end of the gutshot. Was also pretty short at times, rivering an ace to give me two pair against a guy with KK. I'm not exactly ecstatic with my play tonight, but it could have been a lot worse. Profit is profit, at the end of the day. Think I'll take tomorrow off, I need to get my head together before I'll be in any fit state to come back to this. I can feel the lure of a big-game shot calling me. That'll sort my bankroll out.

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