Wednesday, May 30, 2007

.05/.10 NLH LH 30/5/07

Opening balance: $114.34

Buy in : $10+10 (2 tables)
No. of hands : 125
Left with : $0 + $3.13

Closing balance : $97.47

Running total: +$1.37/1665

On one table I was able to make very little headway for more or less the entire the time. My stack hovered around the $8-9 mark for most of the session, until the end when I started to build it up with a series of steals and c-bets. Unfortunately, I then lost most of that when the big blind, who I suspected had been waiting to play back at me, flopped top two to my small blind top pair and I gave him no credit. The rest of the session was super-lag, going pretty well, but I stopped when the guy on my right decided to steal my thunder and I became table calling station.

The other table was much more productive. I wasn't making huge amounts, only about $3, but it was going well. Then I stacked off with top two pair against the guy who was providing most of my money (despite coolering me for two big chunks) and ran into my old friend, bottom set.

Basically, I think I was unlucky. I'm not getting away from top two against a player who has been paying me off repeatedly with bad hands (would've doubled through on the sesion, but he cracked my aces with T2. The other table, I could've escaped had I stopped and thought about it. But I didn't, so there we go.

Bankroll seems to be struggling to stay above $100. Probably just a variance blip, a bump in the road, but it's annoying as hell. I feel like if I could break $130 it would be mostly plain sailing to $200 and beyond (of course, I'm still 13K hands away from going up a level, however big my roll gets). All I have to do is break out of this rut and string together a few winning sessions.

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